David Slik's Project Page

Welcome to my open source and personal projects site. Most of my projects are based around embedded systems hardware, with a few software projects here and there.

Some highlights include:

Protonema - The electronics protoyping and learning system I wish I had back when I was in university. Experiment with digital and analogue electronics using easy-to-assemble building blocks, and add your own!

Shown below are three different baseboards with various “stamps” that can be wired together. On the left is a Pi Pico stamp driving a stepper motor, in the center is a temperature sensor on a breadboard stamp, with a Pi Pico stamp connected to a LED display and a SD card for data logging, and on the right is a larger breadboard stamp and a few adapter stamps:


Nanomia - My Eurorack modular synth modules. Most of these are utility modules.

Shown below is my power meter (left), step sequencer (center), and power supply (right) modules:


At this time, my work as a storage researcher is occupying most of my time, so I haven’t been able to do much work on my personal projects. But I look forward to finishing up many of the in-progress projects, and starting new ones!